Tuesday, December 6, 2011

PuErh Tea - Keep Beauty With Tea

PuErh Tea is a beauty tea, because PuErh Tea have many cosmetic ingredients, is the best of chinese tea!

The tea leaf used in cosmetics, cosmetic ingredients in the tea leaf directly absorbed through the skin. Cosmetics cleanser with tea have tea facial cleanser, tea make up water, tea lotion, tea mask, tea frost, tea shampoo etc. Its all use of the cosmetic effects of tea leaf, with a safe, small irritant and other advantages. It is easy to use and economical. Use its long-term can achieve good results.

Many components of tea have cosmetic effect, drink tea every day can have the effect of beauty, especially PuErh Tea!

1. Wash your face with tea
After washing your face, brew a cup of tea, then use the tea soup coated to the face, gently pat the face, or cotton cloth dipped in tea attached to the face, then wash with water. This can remove the stains and whitening skin.

2. Tea Mask
One spoon of flour and 1 egg yolk, mix well, add one spoon of green tea powder. Then evenly wipe it to the face. Then wash your face after 20 minutes.

3. Tea bath, foot soak
20-30 grams of tea leaf put into the small bag, then put the small bag into the bath tub. Bath with tea of foot soak with tea can treat skin diseases, exfoliating the aging skin, make skin smooth. Also can get rid of body odor.

4. Ease your eyes with tea
After brewing the tea, dry the tea leaf, put into gauze bag. Close your eyes, put the tea bag onto the eyes about 10-15 minutes. This can alleviate eye fatigue and treat eye inflammation.

5. Wash your hair with tea
Tea can be protect your hair, because tea contains 10% tea saponin, it is good for hair. After washing the hair, coated the tea soup at the head. Massage one minute then wash your hair again. This able to control hair loss and remove dandruff.

6. Weight loss with tea
20-30 grams of tea leaf put into the small bag, then put the small bag into the bath tub. Bathe with full body massage. This can exfoliating the aging skin, wash the grease, get a smooth skin, and promote perspiration.

In additon, PuErh Tea have a feature of weight loss, always drink PuErh Tea can lose weight and lipid lowering. 

Buy PuErh Tea At http://www.88puerhtea.com

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